
Digital and artistry combined

Meet the team



Jon Dolding,

Clinical Director and Owner

Jon has been a qualified technician for over to 30 years and has owned and run his own laboratory since 1993. Jon contributes to the development of the dental technician industry by developing new products with industry partners, developing new surgical pathways with TIC and building a tight-knit, collaborative team of dental problem solvers.

Jon teamed up with The Implant Centre in 2012 and they have jointly developed one of the leading clinical and laboratory partnerships in the UK. The lab has grown 60% in the last 3 years and they have between them won multiple awards including Best Practice and Best Referral Practice – a testimony to the success of a close lab and surgical partnership.

The success of the partnership is based on:

  • Close working relationships between lab and dentist
  • Jointly designed pathways
  • Investment in digital
  • Trusted professional collaboration
  • Commitment to quality and innovation

Read more about us

Meet our team of expert dental technicians



Lab Manager

“Ceramic Designs is a great place to work that allows me to develop my skills as a manager and be part of a talented team that provide life changing restorations.”




Business Administrator

“We’re a really tight team, all focused on making sure the dentist and patient get the best service from CDL.”



Senior Technician, Ceramics Lead

“Leading the Crown and Bridge department at CDL is fast paced and challenging, but working with a team of super talented technicians enables us to achieve some amazing results. Having been in private dentistry for 30 years this really allows me to draw on all my experience in order to support the team.”



Senior Technician, Digital Printing, Crown and Bridge Team

“I have been given a great deal of freedom of expression in the way that I work and learn, it has allowed me to flourish and be a respected member of the team. The team is made up of people that come with a solid foundation of skills and knowledge but have the personality to want to learn more, build themselves and the business…”



Senior Technician – CAD/CAM & Ceramics

“I have worked for Jon since 2008 and have seen the lab rapidly develop into a large, digitally-enabled on-site clinic over the years. It is a great place to work, with the freedom to think outside the box and have my thoughts considered.”



Model Technician

“Since joining CDL I have really enjoyed expanding my digital skills, learning from great technicians and using them in my day to day work.”



Senior Technician, Digital Design

“From the moment I stepped into CDL for my interview, I knew this was the lab I wanted to work in. I have already learned so much, slowly adapting to 3 Shape software and making use of other digital platforms.”



Senior Technician, Ceramics

“I get to craft beautiful, aesthetic restorations on major and challenging cases. This keeps my skills sharp and I am advancing and developing constantly as a technician.”



Senior Technician, Prosthetics

“I joined the team two years ago and have been constantly learning new implant skills to add to my vast traditional prosthetic knowledge. The team has been great and I look forward to many years to come.”



Model Technician

“Working for CDL has changed my life in a really positive way, the hard work, professionalism and empathy of each team member has inspired me to learn and push myself every day. Im Extremely glad to work here with wonderful technicians that I truly admire.”



Prosthetic Technician

“Ceramic Designs has given me a great opportunity since coming to the UK from Ukraine, it has allowed me to improve my English and really develop my prosthetic skills.”



Dental Technician

“I am excited to be part of a wonderful team. CDL are incredibly supportive and encouraging of my work.”

We never stop learning

We offer bespoke courses for clinicians and technicians to improve first-time fit rates and surgical accuracy

What our people say

“Ever since I first visited CDL, I knew I had to work here.  We’re at the top of our game in terms of new tech and the team is fantastic – where else does the boss pay for private Yoga lessons? ”

— James – Technician

Let's work together
