CDL Team Profile: Lola

CDL Team Profile: Lola

A little about me My name is Lola, and I am one of the senior technicians in the prosthetic department at CDL.  I have been a part of the team since 2016. Before that, I spent 12 years working in a Private Laboratory in The West End of London before moving down South....
CDL Team Profile: Graham

CDL Team Profile: Graham

About myself…  My name is Graham and I am the newest addition to Ceramic Designs Laboratory. I joined in October 2019. I was born in Zimbabwe but lived most of my life in South Africa from the age of 9 until I decided to move to the UK last year for a better future...
CDL Team Profile: Tony Atkins

CDL Team Profile: Tony Atkins

A little about me and my passion outside of dentistry My name is Tony Atkins. I began a fantastic life in Dentistry at the tender age of 16 in the West End of London. As a young apprentice, I was fascinated by literally everything that went into the fabrication of all...
CDL team profile: Martin

CDL team profile: Martin

Outside of dentistry I have a passion for music and playing the drums.  I was first inspired to pick up the drumsticks at the age of 11 in my final year of primary school. A drummer who played for the band Status Quo came to our school for an open day with the view to...
CDL team profile: Eniko

CDL team profile: Eniko

A little about me Hi Everyone! My name is Eni.  I have been a dental technician since 2014. I am originally from Hungary, deciding to move to England in September 2014 to further my career. Originally, it was my sister who had advised me to become a Dental Technician....